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Congrats! You’ve hired a stellar senior management team. Each of them is an absolute rock star with an impressive resume and – individually - they’re amazing. So why is your team...
This time last month, I was in the Galapagos Islands, watching sea lions bellow and marine iguanas dive into the surf. I spent seven nights on a boat: filled my stomach with amazing seafood and...
Even if he’s too polite to say this himself, my client John is great at what he does. He pours everything into his projects: researching every corner of the market, interviewing experts, and...
We can all agree there are some pretty great things that come with being The Boss - the corner office, more vacation time, having a say in the direction the company is taking. But there are...
You’re an experienced leader. Of course you know how to hire someone! You’ve got a long list of required qualifications, you’ve scouted candidates from the best, most impressive sources, and you’re...
A while back I wrote a post called “Leadership Development. . . for a Start up?.” After I clicked ‘published’ I received email after email and comment after comment from people agreeing that...
We’re two weeks into the first month of 2015. How are those resolutions going? Uh. . . yeah. . . maybe next year I’ll do yoga twice a week. So many of us (myself very much included!) spend...
Gather round, readers! It's time for a bit of holiday storytelling. Long ago and far away, I was a young, hungry intern. I spent my days happily making copies, proofreading, stuffing envelopes, and...
So you’re pretty sure you’ve mastered the art of delegation (because you read this post.) You’re all ready to kick back and dig into those wonderful, exciting projects that require your secret...
Download How to Free Up 8+ Hours a Week: The Ultimate Guide to Delegation and free up eight hours from your work week.