
Leadership Consulting

The RX for Leadership Success

Big data and consolidation has taken over the healthcare industry, driving rapid innovation in an industry already known for constant change. The disruption in how healthcare is provided is requiring leadership to be as dynamic and forward-looking as the industry itself.

As Professor Leonard Friedman explains, this new leadership doesn’t require skills that fit into traditional buckets like IT or financial process but more relational skills such as emotional intelligence and effective team management. In order to survive and thrive, leaders need to quickly adopt these new competencies, research concludes.

Meritage leadership consulting works with healthcare leadership teams to set the right direction, engage all stakeholders and hold them accountable for performance.

Teams are able to take advantage of their diversity, while building an intentional, inspiring culture. Rather than facing employee burn-out from constant change and growth, Meritage Leadership consulting helps leaders learn to communicate effectively, mentor their staff and create a sustainable, productive environment for their teams.

“Meritage has been working deeply with our biotech high-growth company from nearly the beginning.

They have been instrumental in helping us set up the company culture, manage Founder dynamics, and develop our senior leadership team to create a foundation for enduring success.

— Antony Koblish, CEO, TelaBio

“As an emerging healthcare business, our senior team formed quickly and we needed to drive results right out of the gate.

Meritage helped accelerate a process that would normally take years, by helping us understand the diversity of leadership styles on the team, how to leverage each other’s strengths and watch out for blindspots.

Trust, collaboration, and respect are now embedded in our culture and will be a foundation for our future growth.”

— Hugh Lytle, CEO, Equality Health

“The process helped me look within myself — to delve into places that maybe weren’t the most comfortable — for me to realistically address and measurably improve.  My coach and I walked together on that journey, allowing me to come face-to-face with some of my inner challenges.

I benefited not only professionally from her mentoring and coaching, but also personally from her wise counsel and sage advice.

As the CEO of a company growing bigger than I ever envisioned, I know now how I should look and sound — and her strong message was delivered with love.”

— JDM, CEO, Summit Pharmacy

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