You’re an experienced leader. Of course you know how to hire someone!

You’ve got a long list of required qualifications, you’ve scouted candidates from the best, most impressive sources, and you’re well aware that anyone you hire needs to get along with the rest of your team.


But what if I told you that there’s another, more important thing to consider?

All over the country, I see companies and teams making the ultimate hiring mistake by failing to consider how a new hire’s leadership style will complement their team. (And I’m not just talking about getting the CEO’s sense of humor or making pleasant banter during business lunches.)


I’m talking about

1.  Understanding the different leadership styles of your current team members

2.  Strategically hiring someone who complements those styles (aka fills gaps in your thinking)


Before you can hire the right person, you need to understand your team. I use the Enneagram to help my clients ‘type’ their leaders, a process that helps us decipher the leadership archetypes of each team member. We all know people have different leadership styles.  But what are those styles, how exactly do they differ, and what does that mean for how they lead?


When you understand your current team, you’re better equipped to hire someone who can fill the gaps and make your team stronger, more creative, and more productive.

The right hire has a perspective your team is currently lacking  they naturally ask questions that lead to better products and processes.


I recently worked with a senior team to “type” the leadership styles and identify what was missing. The results were revealing.

They were missing a Style 1 (Perfectionist) a Style 6 (Troubleshooter). While they weren’t hiring at that point, they understood the perspectives these types would bring to the table. They knew the questions these types would naturally ask were missing from their team dialog. Knowing this, they made a concerted effort to make sure these Perfectionist, Troubleshooter questions were integrated into their conversations for better decision-making.

Even if you’re not currently hiring, understanding your team’s leadership styles is incredibly helpful. By knowing who is on your team, you’ll understand who is not on your team: specifically, the perspectives and mindsets your team may be missing.

An amazing team is more than a collection of great resumes and the right skillsets. It’s not just people who get along with each other. It’s the right mix of leadership styles and perspectives, pushing each other in the right direction.

Want some help understanding your team’s leadership styles for more productive dialog? Contact us !