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Are productivity tips for leaders different than productivity tips for everybody else? Most of us struggle with the same productivity pitfalls, regardless of job title. We all wish there were more...
Is there such a thing as CEO Impostor Syndrome? When most of us hear Impostor Syndrome we picture 20-somethings who are new to their fields and feeling out of their depth. We might imagine...
Finding yourself in an unfamiliar place or a situation that pushes you past your comfort zone is one of the best ways to snap out of habitual ways of thinking. That’s exactly what happened to me on...
While study after study demonstrates diversity drives major business benefits, the truth is most of us would rather not talk about the issues that force us to have diversity strategies in the first...
How often do you find yourself interrupting someone? Wishing they’d get to the point? Willing them to just stop talking! I get it. Really, I do. Time is short. Sometimes it’s hard not to finish...
Everyone has at least one great victim story. Circumstances, past or present, where you’ve felt mistreated or powerless in the face of misfortune. You may have been deceived or simply let down by...
Troy was busy outlining the problems he faced in his new role as Head of Commercial Operations: “My best performers are jumping ship. The weaker ones are constantly off sick. And the CEO shows zero...
Recently one of my clients, the CEO of a very successful business, called me about coaching the newest member of his top team. Here’s what he told me: It had been impossible not to be...
I’ll bet that if there is one thing standing between you being a more effective leader, it’s delegation. How do I know? Because I’ve seen this over and over again with senior leaders I’ve worked...
Download How to Free Up 8+ Hours a Week: The Ultimate Guide to Delegation and free up eight hours from your work week.